Search by tag: phd

Head shot of woman with white/blonde bobbed hair and glasses

Vanessa Harding

Vanessa Harding knew nothing about St Andrews until she arrived on the sleeper at the start of term in autumn 1970.  ‘It looked like a nice place to be, and I knew people who were there.  It’s the kind of decision you…

Head and shoulders photo of dark-haired woman, Edith Johnston

Edith Johnston PhD (1930-2008)

Edith Mary Johnston, MA 1951 PhD 1956 (later, Mrs Liik) As far as we know, Edith Mary Johnston (1930-2008) was the first female St. Andrews PhD historian to go on to an academic career.  Born in Belfast, in 1930 to…

Young woman in short-sleeved white blouse

Elizabeth Menzies PhD (1928-2008)

Elizabeth Alexandra Menzies, MA 1949, PhD 1954 (later, Mrs Johnson) Elizabeth Menzies (1928-2008) was the third woman to have been awarded a Ph.D. in History from St Andrews (although she seems to have been based at…

Edith Thomson PhD (1901-1988)

Edith Elizabeth Bruce Thomson, MA 1923; PhD 1928 (later Mrs Bracelin)   Edith Thomson was the second woman to be awarded a Ph.D. in History at St Andrews. Her academic career appears to have been very similar to that…

Edith MacQueen PhD (1900-1977)

Edith Edgar MacQueen (1900-1977) MA 1922, PhD 1927 (later Mrs Haden-Guest, later Lady Haden-Guest) Edith MacQueen appears to have been the first woman historian to be awarded a Ph.D. in History by the University of St…