Search by category: student life

How has the experience of being a student changed over the decades? Includes the ‘day in the life’ series

woman in white mini dress and academic gown

Valerie Torgerson

Valerie Torgerson Waddelove graduated from St Andrews with an MA in Medieval History in 1970. This is an edited extract from her contribution to the Alumni Chronicle in 2020. How can it possibly be 50 years since I…

Printed term card for the student History Society

Day in the Life of a Woman Historian: 1960s

What was it like to be a woman student of History at St Andrews in the 1960s? Taking inspiration from popular modern day ‘Day in the Life’ blog posts and YouTube videos, a group of current undergraduates explored…

Day in the Life of a Woman Historian: Today

What is it like to be a woman student of History at St Andrews in the 2020s? Taking inspiration from popular modern day ‘Day in the Life’ blog posts and YouTube videos, a group of current undergraduates has been…

Female students relaxing in a student dorm, ca. 1976.

Day in the Life of a Woman Historian: 1980s

What was it like to be a woman student of History at St Andrews in the 1980s? Taking inspiration from popular modern day ‘Day in the Life’ blog posts and YouTube videos, a group of current undergraduates explored…

Three women behind the counter of an outdoor tea stall

Day in the Life of a Woman Historian: 1930s

What was it like to be a woman student of History at St Andrews in the 1930s? Taking inspiration from popular modern day ‘Day in the Life’ blog posts and YouTube videos, a group of current undergraduates explored…