Our Team
The ‘Women Historians of St Andrews’ project is coordinated by Aileen Fyfe, Frances Andrews and Kate Ferris, all of the School of History. It has been running intermittently since spring 2021. Anyone with ideas, information or comment can reach us on [email protected].
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the School of History, and from the University’s Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Fund.
We are hugely grateful to the many undergraduate and postgraduate student research assistants who have undertaken research and writing for us. They are:
2020-21: Kate Grant (URA scheme); Georgia Armour, Jemima Askew, Megan Briers, Octavia Chappell, Chloe Fiegener, Olivia Gill, Libby Hawken, Alexandra Kenyon, May Lutyens-Humfrey, Amanda Stewart, Beth Sykes, Jasmine Whittaker, and Daisy Williams (STEP scheme); Manon Williams (STEP postgrad coach)
2021-22: Morag Allan Campbell (GDI funding); Alyssa Shepherd (GDI funding)